速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Almost There

Almost There





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本




Almost There(圖1)-速報App

Since the 1960s, site-specificity has exploded at a war with itself: breaking down its own categories to find itself once more. When one troubles the category of site with a questioning of what it means to take up space and critiquing the notion of response, the pastiche booms to an often overwhelming loss of affect. How do we situate ourselves within the non-specific space of anywhere-we-happen-to-be as portrayed through the specificity of the binds and pixels of the phone screen: how does this augment and how does this reduce our presence?

Almost There(圖2)-速報App

Almost There places a map pin one can activate by directing it to suggest a marker of here-ness within a ubiquitous site occupied by the user; the pin and the user thusly respond to their site within the specific context of the virtual phone screen as a site within itself. Further, while one may feel interpellated towards the map pin they can never actually touch (though seemingly so close), the user is left to question what one does with this experience in an era where the phone screen so often suggests a notion to share the experience. The private strangeness of the dynamic image relationship becomes flattened if the user follows the desire to publicize it with a screenshot--directing another individual to "come" to the "here" they once occupied, but making the experience two-dimensional and no longer time sensitive or site specific (in the traditional sense).

Almost There(圖3)-速報App